written by Captain Ricky Wheeler

I am happy to bring you this blog that will center around the pure joy of being on and around saltwater. From fishing and boating to exploring beautiful beaches and far out lands, this is where I will share some tips and tricks from all of my travels fishing throughout numerous locations. I expect this Blog to mirror the Saltwater Euphoria Podcast in a way that we all can learn from each other here.

I, Captain Ricky Wheeler, am the host of the Saltwater Euphoria Podcast as well as the writer of the Saltwater Euphoria Blogs. For those who don't know me, I have been a Sportfishing Captain and Mate for the entirety of my adult life after college, and have the purest passion and drive to help others succeed in their time on the water whether that be on their own boats, or with me on my first class 60 foot custom charter boat called EUPHORIA. Check us out at https://www.euphoriasportfishing.com
Through https://courses.saltwatereuphoria.com I also have courses available online to help you learn from my time and experience on the water in hopes to help you skew the learning curve for fishing and boating in the right direction by learning tried and true techniques and tactics that I have worked hard to perfect over the years, and continue to as time goes on.
I look forward to this new endeavor and hope you follow us here at Saltwater Euphoria and follow me throughout my travels through my CaptainsVlog on Youtube by CLICKING HERE and also via the regular avenues of social media like Instagram by following these handles:
Don't be afraid to ever reach out with questions as I always do my best to help when and where I can.