In Episode 17, our host, Captain Ricky Wheeler, interviews guest, Leo Chapman. Leo is the owner of an up-and-coming brand called Billfish Group which makes innovative clothing made for fishermen by fishermen. We dive into topics of the sportfishing clothing world, his awesome travels fishing great locations, and the future of Billfish Group and their gear. Check out and buy some Billfish Gear at https://billfishgear.com/
Saltwater Euphoria Podcast Sponsors: +Tackle Direct - click the link to go to the page with Ricky Wheeler's Tuna Essentials - tdhook.co/WHEELER +Strike Point Tackle - http://www.strikepointtackle.com/shop Use discount code RICKY10 at Checkout on Strike Point Tackle's Website for 10% off anything on their website. +Saltwater Euphoria - https://www.saltwatereuphoria.com/ +Euphoria Sportfishing - https://www.euphoriasportfishing.com/ You can follow the following on Instagram: CaptainRickyWheeler: @CaptainRickyWheeler Saltwater Euphoria: @SaltwaterEuphoria Euphoria Sportfishing: @EuphoriaSportfishing Billfish Group: @BillfishGroup Billfish Gear: @BillfishGear If you like this podcast please be sure to click that FOLLOW button and also spread the word by sharing this episode with your friends or whatever social channels you are on. We appreciate your support. To fish with our host, Captain Ricky Wheeler, aboard his beautiful 60' Custom Sportfishing Boat, go to EuphoriaSportfishing.com For online fishing courses, go to our website Courses.SaltwaterEuphoria.com